Certificate of no ongoing criminal proceedings

Issuing the certificate through the e-Citizens system

Issuing the certificate through the e-Citizens system is only available for natural persons.


No court fee is charged for purposes:

  • exercise of health, disability or pension rights
  • exercising social welfare rights
  • employment

The court fee for other purposes is charged in accordance with the Regulation on the Tariff of Court Fees.
Payment of the court fee in the amount of HRK 30.00 before sending the request to the court is made through the Public Benefit Collection System of the Republic of Croatia. The conditions for the collection of public benefits within the System for the Collection of Public Benefits of the Republic of Croatia are available on the FINA website.

All certificates through the e-Citizens system are issued by the Zagreb Municipal Criminal Court and are valid throughout the Republic of Croatia.

The certificate is available on the page where the filed requests are reviewed and will be delivered to your e-Citizens Personal Inbox and, optionally, to your e-mail address.

If the certificate is required for use abroad, or if you are exempt from paying court fees on another basis, you must file a request to the municipal court
that is, his permanent service. 

Izdavanje uvjerenja putem portala e-Građani i sustava e-Ovlaštenja

Izdavanje uvjerenja preko portala e-Građani odnosno sustava e-Ovlaštenja moguće je za fizičke i pravne osobe.

Sudska pristojba ne plaća se za izdavanje uvjerenja kojima je svrha:

  • ostvarivanje prava iz zdravstvenog, invalidskog ili mirovinskog osiguranja
  • ostvarivanje prava iz socijalne skrbi​
  • zasnivanje radnog odnosa.

Pravne osobe koje obavljaju javne ovlasti, ne plaćaju sudsku pristojbu ako se izdavanje uvjerenja traži za potrebe postupaka koji proizlaze iz obavljanja javnih ovlasti.

Uvjerenje za pravnu osobu može zatražiti fizička osoba koja ima pravo zastupanja pravne osobe, što se provjerava kroz sustav e-Ovlaštenja.

Sudska pristojba se za ostale svrhe naplaćuje sukladno Uredbi o Tarifi sudskih pristojbi.

Plaćanje sudske pristojbe u iznosu od 1,99 eura (15,00 kuna) prije slanja zahtjeva sudu obavlja se preko Sustava za naplatu javnih davanja Republike Hrvatske. Uvjeti naplate javnih davanja u sklopu Sustava za naplatu javnih davanja Republike Hrvatske dostupni su na internetskoj stranici FINA-e.

Sva uvjerenja preko portala e-Građani izdaje Općinski kazneni sud u Zagrebu i vrijede u cijeloj Republici Hrvatskoj.

Uvjerenje možete pronaći na stranici na kojoj se pregledavaju podneseni zahtjevi te će se po izboru dostaviti na adresu elektroničke pošte ako je korisnik upisao navedeni podatak, a za fizičke osobe dostavlja se u Osobni korisnički pretinac na portalu e-Građani.

Issuance of the certificate in court

You can submit a request for issuing the certificate in person or, in the case of your absence, it can be submitted by another person to whom you have given the power of attorney, and whose signature must be certified by a public notary or the Croatian embassy or Consular office of the Republic of Croatia in the country where the person is located.

Certificates are issued by all municipal courts and their permanent offices, regardless of your place of residence or seat.

The exceptions are the Zagreb Municipal Civil Court, the Zagreb Municipal Labor Court, the Zagreb Municipal Misdemeanor Court and the Split Municipal Misdemeanor Court.

Required documentation

Issuing a certificate of no ongoing criminal proceedings requires:

  • filling out one copy of the Certificate Application Form (Form 9 - you can download it from the Forms section)
  • attaching the power of attorney if a certificate is sought for another person
  • presenting the identity card or certified copy of the identity card of the person for whom the certificate is sought and the person who has been given a power of attorney 
  • paying a court fee of  3,98 EUR / 30 HRK in tax stamps or attach a confirmation of payment via internet banking if not exempted from paying court fees.

All certificates of no ongoing criminal proceedings, whether issued through the e-Citizens system or in courts, are issued with an electronic signature and are therefore no longer signed by court officials nor have the court seal, and are valid throughout the Republic of Croatia.

Exceptionally, for the use of this certificate abroad, in court you may request the issuance of a certificate signed by an authorized officer with the seal of the court.

The authenticity of a certificate can be verified through the e-Citizens system in period of six months from the date of issuing the certificate, without logging into the e-Citizens system, through the link Verification of the authenticity of a certificate that no criminal proceedings are being conducted.