Court Performance Overview

Rezultati rada sudova za 2023. godinu i nadalje

Statistički podaci o radu sudova od 2023. godine pa nadalje bit će dostupni u Interaktivnom prikazu:

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Case flow
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved
2020. 371.163 505.473 476.446 400.277
2021. 400.277 593.464 539.125 456.489
2022. 466.685 557.759 610.476 413.953
Human resources on courts (judges and court advisors)
Year Number of judges Number of court advisors Number of persons who resolve cases in total Number of persons who resolve cases - actual presence
2020. 1.675 623 2.298 2.227
2021. 1.669 587 2.256 2.201
2022. 1.641 590 2.217 2.145
Performance indicators
Year CR DT Cases received per judge and court advisor Cases resolved per judge and court advisor
2020. 94,26% 307 227 214
2021. 90,84% 309 270 245
2022. 109,45% 248 260 285
Resolving cases older than ten years
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved Total share of old in unresolved cases
2020. 8.176 14.001 13.751 8.426 2,11%
2021. 8.426 13.669 13.805 8.484 1,86%
2022. 8.484 12.131 12.922 7.909 1,91%

Clearance rate (CR) is a ratio of the number of resolved cases to the number of the new cases within a period, in percentage (a CR of 100%  shows that the court manages to resolve the equal amount of cases as received, and above 100 % means that the number of pending cases decreases). This indicator shows how the court manages to resolve incoming cases.

Disposition time (DT) is a ratio of the number of resolved cases during the observed period to the number of unresolved cases at the end of the observed period. 365 is divided by the number of resolved cases divided by the number of unresolved cases at the end, to be able to express it in a number of days. The ratio measures how quickly the judicial system (of the court) turns over received cases – that is, how long it takes for a type of cases to be resolved. This indicator provides further insight into how a judicial system manages its flow of cases.

Resolved cases per judge and court advisor is a ratio of the number of resolved cases in a period on specific court or type of court, to the number of judges and court advisors who were resolving cases during the observed period. This indicator is used to compare efficiency of courts taking into account their size (number of employees who resolve cases).

Statistical data on individual courts are available on the website in Croatian.