Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb

Case flow
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved
2020. 50.664 39.221 38.637 50.839
2021. 50.839 50.726 46.269 55.449
2022. 55.449 56.681 62.811 46.824
Human resources on courts (judges and court advisors)
Year Number of judges Number of court advisors Number of persons who resolve cases in total Number of persons who resolve cases - actual presence
2020. 113 91 204 190
2021. 117 79 196 180
2022. 115 81 196 181
Performance indicators
Year CR DT Cases received per judge and court advisor Cases resolved per judge and court advisor
2020. 98,51% 480 207 204
2021. 91,21% 437 282 257
2022. 110,81% 272 314 348
Resolving cases older than ten years
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved Total share of old in unresolved cases
2020. 2.677 2.149 2.374 2.452 4,82%
2021. 2.452 2.180 2.411 2.277 4,11%
2022. 2.277 1.704 1.980 2.013 4,30%