Municipal Court in Novi Zagreb

Case flow
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved
2020. 9.856 15.156 14.186 10.822
2021. 10.822 16.042 15.378 11.567
2022. 11.567 17.125 21.266 10.133
Human resources on courts (judges and court advisors)
Year Number of judges Number of court advisors Number of persons who resolve cases in total Number of persons who resolve cases - actual presence
2020. 53 13 66 61
2021. 51 11 62 58
2022. 50 13 63 59
Performance indicators
Year CR DT Cases received per judge and court advisor Cases resolved per judge and court advisor
2020. 93,60% 278 248 233
2021. 95,86% 275 279 267
2022. 124,18% 174 293 364
Resolving cases older than ten years
Year Beginning Received Resolved Unresolved Total share of old in unresolved cases
2020. 213 328 258 283 2,62%
2021. 283 354 368 268 2,32%
2022. 268 315 331 251 2,48%